Sunday, September 21, 2008

Carl Icahn: Corporate Waste Brings this Nation Closer to the Brink

Few things bother me more than the titanic government debt load this country carries from years of reckless government borrowing and spending. We really have no ability to repay this debt, other than by continually issuing new debt to pay the interest on the old debt.

The Peter G. Peterson Foundation calculates that we as a country have racked up a staggering $53 trillion in government obligations. That’s $455,000 per household and growing at the rate of $2 trillion to $3 trillion a year "on autopilot," the respected think tank says.

Just this week, we added another $85 billion to these obligations with the bailout of insurance giant AIG. Add that to the $200 billion in potential obligations to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the $29 billion to back up Bear Stearns toxic credits, and $300 billion for the Federal Housing Authority and a possible $25 billion to $50 billion in low-interest loans for Detroit’s Big-3 automakers and we’re talking nearly $700 billion on top of this.

The debt and obligations we carry as a nation, combined with our miniscule savings rate and monster trade deficit, is truly frightening.

Read the full article

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